Welcome to SRLaw
SRLAW was established in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, with the objective of being one of the premier law offices in Asia, meeting the needs of mid-to high-end clientele with sensitivity and complexity, while maintaining the highest professional standards. We also want to contribute to the success of our clients in all their business activities, and to do everything in our power to make this office a good place in which to work and to be an asset to both our social and legal communities.
Our client service philosophy is to be fair, honest, and ethical in all dealings with our clients and to provide value to our clients. Strong and meaningful long-term relationships with our clients are the compass of our business strategy. By engaging SRLAW our clients would benefit from tailored services provided by an integrated team.
We have retained a pool of top caliber and highly-experienced lawyers who know the law and how best to apply the law and who are prepared to meet all local and international challenges. Globally, we are also establishing strong relationships with other leading law firms and professional corporations in order to effectively provide a full package of services for the mix of local and international clients.